What is Serenity? An ancient philosophical riddle that has haunted neither the followers of Epicurus, nor the adherents of Eastern religions, nor the adherents of yoga and modern cultural studies for thousands of years. These photographs express my own idea of Serenity as a parallel space that objectively exists around us, but which, unfortunately, is not often revealed to us. In this way, the creative task that I set myself when shooting this series is not to explain, but to show Serenity. By presenting these works, I invite you to an amazing and free world. Looking at these stories, you will feel liberated from the awareness of insecurity and the obligation to overcome the boring everyday reality. You will feel how the state of vanity, protest, meaninglessness and hopelessness goes away, how your personal ego retreats, and worries are replaced by spiritual joy and peace. No one is imposing their will on you anymore, and nothing is burdening your soul. There is no longer an alarming sense of belonging to a certain place and being, as there is almost none of this in my photographs. All this happens gradually and completely freely. And now your spirit is soaring above what you used to call your everyday Life. Lights and shadows, natural reflections, water spaces, trees, birds, people, smells and sounds — all this you touch, hear, and most importantly, CONTEMPLATE. From now on , all this belongs to you…
Alexander Krasotkin