Spring in Kuskovo Estate
I've been to this lovely suburban estate many times, but I'd never seen it looking quite so special as it does today, with the snow melted and the sun shining gently on it. The sun was shining today, giving the grass and trees a gentle warmth, which made them look like they were imploringly bending towards the sun's rays. The water reflections, elegant pavilions and walls intertwined in this spring dance of light and darkness. The graceful statues and busts seemed to smile and invite people into the still-naked alleys, which would soon be dressed in emerald dresses. The green carpet of young grass has already been laid out, and yellow dandelions have scattered across it in a golden pattern. If you squat down, you can see how the trees hug their still fragile branches, forming an ornate ornament, among which blackbirds flicker animatedly.
In spring, the bell of the Church of the Saviour sounds, and an angel on the temple dome watches over this wonderful day. Spring and peace are everywhere!
Thank you, Lord, for giving me this great gift – to live in Russia, to learn to see and love it, to feel how Your Spirit soars above its ancient and unique beauty.
Moscow. May, 2013.